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heather FIUMERA lab
@ Binghamton University

Genetics, BIOL332
An introduction to genetics. Topics cover the nature and inheritance of genetic material, molecular biology of gene function, gene expression and regulation, genetic variation, evolution and population genetics, methods and tools of genetic research. 4 credits. Prerequisites: BIOL 113 and 114.
Personal Genomics, BIOL483L/583
Special Topics Course. The personal genomics revolution is creating major paradigm shifts in medical practice, patient care, and an understanding of our personal histories. These shifts present new ethical, legal and societal challenges that must be addressed. In this class, we will explore the technologies of how genetic tests are done, how these data are analyzed for ancestry analyses and disease risk predictions, and we will discuss the ethics of how these data can be used. Students will have the option to analyze their own genome using direct-to-consumer genome services or to analyze provided datasets. Students will design and participate in a public outreach project. 4 credits. Prerequisites: BIOL 332.
previously taught courses
Molecular Genetics, BIOL401
The structure and function of nucleic acids, mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription, protein synthesis, recombinant DNA techniques and their applications. Gene and genome structure and its relation to gene regulation in development and response to environmental and internal challenges. Lecture and discussion. Prerequisites: BIOL 113, 115 or equivalent, CHEM 107 and 108 (or 111), Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 231. Fall and Spring. 4 credits. NOTE: Students who have taken BIOL (BCHM) 301 will NOT receive credit for BIOL(BCHM) 401. Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
BIOL330 Genes and Heredity
An in-depth analysis of transmission genetics, including multiple gene effects, recombination, linkage and gene mapping, medical genetics, and modern genetic research with model organisms. Course will develop quantitative and problem-solving skills. Prerequisites: BIOL 117 and BIOL 118; MATH 148 or PSYC 243. 4 credits.
BIOL340 Genetics Laboratory
Introduction to transmission and population genetics. Mendelian segregation, linkage and linkage disequilibrium, mapping mutations via pedigree analysis and QTL mapping, consequences of inbreeding, natural selection and molecular evolution. Prerequisites: BIOL 117 and 118. Corequisites: either BIOL (BCHM) 301, BIOL 330 or BIOL 351. 2 credits.
BIOL680G Grant Writing
Graduate student grant writing course focused on fellowship proposals, grant writing and career building.
BIOL480/680 Advanced Genetics
Topic: Personalized/Precision Medicine

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