heather FIUMERA lab
@ Binghamton University

Mitochondrial-Nuclear Genome Interactions
Mitochondrial activities require direct interactions between mitochondrial and nuclear genes. We are trying to understand how mitonuclear interactions influence the genetic architecture behind complex traits that will ultimately influence coevolutionary processes. Using molecular genetic strategies, we are creating tools and resources in Saccharomyces yeasts that allow us to quantify the impact of mtDNA haplotypes, nuclear genotypes, and mitonuclear epistasis on phenotypic differences, and map the exact genetic components underlying mitochondrial performance. We've earned that both mitonuclear and mito-mito interactions contribute to underlying fitness traits.
Our active projects include (a) quantifying mitonuclear contributions to phenotypic variation using our Mitonuclear Yeast Collection, a collection of 225 S. cerevisiae yeast strains harboring every combination of 15 mtDNA and 15 nuclear genomes; (b) mapping naturally occurring nuclear alleles that underlie these phenotypes using our Mitonuclear Recombinant Collection, our mapping population that allows for association studies and (c) mapping mitonuclear incompatibilities between S. cerevisiae and its sister species, S. paradoxus.
Here's a 150 second clip highlighting a research poster presented at the virtual TAGC 2020 meeting. Check it out!
​Mapping mitonuclear epistasis using a novel recombinant mapping population. Nguyen THM, Tinz-Burdick A, Lenhardt M, Geertz M, Ramirez F, Schwartz M, Toledano M, Bonney B, Gaebler B, Liu W, Wolters JF, Chiu K, Fiumera AC, Fiumera HL. PLoS Genet. 2023 Mar 29;19(3):e1010401. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010401. eCollection 2023 Mar. PMID: 36989278
Evolutionary Trajectories are Contingent on Mitonuclear Interactions. Biot-Pelletier D, Bettinazzi S, Gagnon-Arsenault I, Dubé AK, Bédard C, Nguyen THM, Fiumera HL, Breton S, Landry CR. Mol Biol Evol. 2023 Apr 4;40(4):msad061. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msad061. PMID: 36929911
Mitochondrial-nuclear coadaptation revealed through mtDNA replacements in Saccharomcyes cerevisiae. Nguyen THM, Sondhi S, Ziesel A, Paliwal S, Fiumera HL. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2020, 20(1): 128
Mitochondrial recombination reveals mito-mito epistasis in yeast. Wolters JF, Charron G, Gaspary A, Landry CR, Fiumera AC, Fiumera HL. Genetics 2018, 209(1):307-319.
Mitochondrial recombination and introgression during speciation by hybridization. Leducq JB, Henault M, Charron G, Nielly-Thibault L, Terrat Y, Fiumera HL, Shapiro BJ, Landry CR. Mol Biol Evol 2017, 34(8):1947-1959.
Population structure of mitochondrial genomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Wolters JF, Chiu K, Fiumera HL: BMC Genomics 2015, 16:451.
Mitochondrial-nuclear epistasis contributes to phenotypic variation and coadaptation in natural isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Paliwal S, Fiumera AC, Fiumera HL. Genetics 2014, 198(3):1251-1265.
OXPHOS biogenesis
In order to understand mitochondrial evolution, it is important to understand molecular mechanisms underlying mitochondrial performance. Using mitochondrial genetic tools in yeast, we reveal molecular mechanisms underlying mitonuclear interactions involved in respiratory chain complex biogenesis. Projects focused on the synthesis and assembly of cytochrome c oxidase subunits into holoenzymes.
Fiumera HL, Dunham MJ, Saracco SA, Butler CA, Kelly JA, Fox TD: Translocation and assembly of mitochondrially coded Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytochrome c oxidase subunit Cox2 by Oxa1 and Yme1 in the absence of Cox18.Genetics 2009, 182(2):519-528.
Bonnefoy N, Fiumera HL, Dujardin G, Fox TD: Roles of Oxa1-related inner-membrane translocases in assembly of respiratory chain complexes. Biochim Biophys Acta 2009, 1793(1):60-70.
Fiumera HL, Broadley SA, Fox TD: Translocation of mitochondrially synthesized Cox2 domains from the matrix to the intermembrane space. Mol Cell Biol 2007, 27(13):4664-4673.
Sutak R, Dolezal P, Fiumera HL, Hrdy I, Dancis A, Delgadillo-Correa M, Johnson PJ, Muller M, Tachezy J: Mitochondrial-type assembly of FeS centers in the hydrogenosomes of the amitochondriate eukaryote Trichomonas vaginalis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2004, 101(28):10368-10373.
We have collaborations with Dr. Kenneth Chiu from the Department of Computer Sciences, and Dr. Anthony Fiumera from that other Fiumera lab in Biological Sciences.